Books, lunch and shopping...

Created by Christine 2 years ago

Our deepest condolances to all the family on the loss of your lovely mum, grandma and mother in law.

During Rawndale's many visits to Canada we always went out on a few dates of shopping and lunch. When picking her up Rawndale would take delight in showing me how many books she had read since she had arrived, the number of which would leave the most voracious book lovers in the dust. She would also take great pride in her baking ( which was delicious)  and show me what she has baked...if there anything left.

Then off we would go... first for lunch , always with a with a glass of wine, and and then off shopping. You really needed to go into 'training' for this event. She loved to buy for everyone else, and took so much pleasure in this. Armed with shopping bags, I'd take her home so we could finish off with a cuppa and some sweets.

Rawndale became part of our extended family in Canada and she will be very missed,  

Sleep tight.

Christine and Gino